Article was written by BFR's founder Leslie Munsell

Why Lip Scrub?

In the many years I’ve been a makeup artist there has been an incredible amount of development in beauty. Amazingly innovative products with advanced ingredients have opened the door for new application techniques, driving trends to endless possibilities. The benefits of long-wear formulas, skin-loving ingredient discoveries, and primers for everything are just a few of the things that I love most. Some of these new products took years in the lab to create, others are quite simple but deliver huge results. One of these simple/huge result ideas is lip scrub. While it’s been around for years, I’m surprised it wasn’t really embraced until recently, as it’s a game-changer for lips.

Everyone wants fuller, softer, smoother, more hydrated lips, right? If you haven’t tried a lip scrub, you must, as that is exactly what you’ll get!

In these cold months when chapped, dry lips are often a challenge, lip scrub will be your best friend. Used regularly (Some people use it several times daily- can you say obsessed?) lip scrubs work to gently buff and exfoliate the dead, dry skin from the surface of your lips leaving them smoother and much softer.

Lip With Lip Scrub

Know any Chapstick or Carmex addicts? They are just coating their lips (over and over again) with petrochemical ingredients that cover rather than address the issue of dry lips. They must first remove the chapped, dry skin, then apply natural nut butters or plant oils for hydration and protection.

Know any matte lipstick addicts? They also can use a good lip scrub to exfoliate and rehydrate their lips, as matte lipsticks can leave lips excessively dry when worn regularly.

A perfect lip is obviously a huge part of any great look and when working with clients, I always use lip scrub as part of the preparation for all my make up applications. It’s the first step for a softer, smoother canvas and it improves lip volume. (The buffing increases blood circulation, temporarily plumping lips!)

Red Lips

When looking for a great lip scrub, find one with natural ingredients, as you’ll ingest some of it. (If it tastes good enough, you may lick it all off!) In addition to the exfoliating ingredient (I like sugar), you want a plant or nut base to give you hydration.

Simply buff your lips with scrub, then remove sugar with a damp washcloth or tissue. Voila- baby soft, smooth plump lips! What could be easier?

Try Beauty For Real Lip Revival Lip Scrub in Orange Spice, Ginger Lime, Vanilla Latte and Spearmint-  flavored with all-natural essential oils.

Beauty For Real's Lip Revival Lip Scrub - Shop Here

January 15, 2020 — Leslie munsell

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